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Northstar Borosilicate Coloured Rods & Frit


125grms of Northstar Galaxy Stringers

NS-152 Galaxy is the first collaborative effort between Northstar Glass & Trautman Art Glass to produce a new colour in rod. This colour was formulated from the iconic NS-125 Jet Black base along with the amazing sparkle from the TAG Stardust family. Very durable & easy to use with a beautiful balance of dense black and heavy sparkle. Safe for encasement, though not recommended for millefiori or deep encasement. Use an oxidizing flame to prevent any grey streaks caused from reductive environment.


Northstar #113 Lucid Transitional Slugger (546grms)

Exp. #113 Lucid is an opalescent based glass with a light lavender purple hue. It is a buttery smooth and easy to use color with little to no air with the ability to be heavily encased and still hold its saturation well. Part of our newest line of colors, “the Future Line” and made from batch in Portland, OR


Northstar #113 Lucid Transitional Slugger (470grms)

Exp. #113 Lucid is an opalescent based glass with a light lavender purple hue. It is a buttery smooth and easy to use color with little to no air with the ability to be heavily encased and still hold its saturation well. Part of our newest line of colors, “the Future Line” and made from batch in Portland, OR


Northstar #116 Aquamania Sluggers (372grms)

Exp. #116 Aquamania is a color based off of NS-153 Nemo with an opalescent quality. It is a vibrant aqua marine blue that is flame stable & nearly air free. The goal with this color is to minimize the livering effect caused by copper in the glass being exposed to a reducing atmosphere of a propane rich flame. It will work very similar to NS-153 Nemo with the opalescent value from NS-154 Ghost.


Northstar Ruby Slippers Full Rod

LIGHT Exp. #155 is a transparent sparkly red named “Ruby Slippers” after the old school version Northstar made over 15 years ago! This newest formula uses a NS-88 Pomegranate base red with a TAG Stardust sparkle. With little to no air content, this glass is easy to use in all flame atmospheres. As a kiln striking red, it’s recommended to strike for 6-8 hours at 1050f. This color is a great option for overlays and color combos!


Northstar Boro Exp #70 Blood Red Full Red

Experiment #70 is an effort to produce a dark cadmium red to pair nicely along with Northstar’s current cadmium palette. This glass presents a saturated blood red tone while retaining a smooth workability. As a cadmium glass, we recommend letting the heat sink in to prevent boiling. Perfect for stinger work, encasements, such as line tubing, cane or millefiori & much more.


125grm of Norhstar Exp #70 Blood Red

Experiment #70 is an effort to produce a dark cadmium red to pair nicely along with Northstar’s current cadmium palette. This glass presents a saturated blood red tone while retaining a smooth workability. As a cadmium glass, we recommend letting the heat sink in to prevent boiling. Perfect for stinger work, encasements, such as line tubing, cane or millefiori & much more.


125grm of Northstar Exp 70 Blood Red 2nds

Experiment #70 is an effort to produce a dark cadmium blood red to pair nicely along with Northstar’s current cadmium palette. This glass presents a saturated blood red tone while retaining a smooth workability. As a cadmium glass, we recommend letting the heat sink in to prevent boiling. Perfect for stinger work, encasements, such as line tubing, cane or millefiori & much more. We encourage you as the artist to share your results as we hope to continue to produce this red. Thanks

Nothstar Boro Midnight Full Rod

A dark opaque blue. Work in an oxidizing flame to prevent greying. Heat gently and slowly to prevent boiling. See the Heat Sensitive colour section.


125grm of Northstar Midnight

A dark opaque blue. Work in an oxidizing flame to prevent greying. Heat gently and slowly to prevent boiling. See the Heat Sensitive colour section.

Northstar Boro Exp #23 1st Full Rod

This is a full rod measuring 6-7mm dia x 480mm -500mm long.


Northstar Boro Exp 114 Opalescent Peach Full Rod

Exp. #114 is an opalescent peach tone with pink blush hue. Very unique opalescent shade with very limited availability due to a short campaign of production. It is a buttery smooth and easy to use colour with the ability to be encased and still hold its saturation well.  Part of our newest line of colours, “the Future Line” and made from batch in Portland, OR.

125grm of Northstar Exp 114 Opalescent Peach

Exp. #114 is an opalescent peach tone with pink blush hue. Very unique opalescent shade with very limited availability due to a short campaign of production. It is a buttery smooth and easy to use colour with the ability to be encased and still hold its saturation well.  Part of our newest line of colours, “the Future Line” and made from batch in Portland, OR.

125grms of Northstar Boro Exp # 23 1st

This is a pack of 125grm (1/4lb) of Northstar full length Borosilicate Rods , it will depend on the dia but you will receive 3-4 full rods.


Northstar Exp # 140 V1 Jupiter 2nds Slugger 332grms

Exp. #140 Jupiter uses a NS-154 Ghost base color with both silver and gold. This V1 version has a higher silver content with a darker strike compared to Jupiter V2. Like an Amber/Purple, there is a metallic haze that precipitates on the surface that needs to be burnt off. In result, this glass has a Exp. #110 KarmalineNS-26 Double Amber/Purple strike. It is a buttery smooth and easy to use color with the ability to be encased and still hold its saturation well.


Northstar Exp #140 Jupiter V1 2nds Slugger 214grms

Exp. #140 Jupiter uses a NS-154 Ghost base color with both silver and gold. This V1 version has a higher silver content with a darker strike compared to Jupiter V2. Like an Amber/Purple, there is a metallic haze that precipitates on the surface that needs to be burnt off. In result, this glass has a Exp. #110 KarmalineNS-26 Double Amber/Purple strike. It is a buttery smooth and easy to use color with the ability to be encased and still hold its saturation well.


Amber 2nds Sluggers 320grms

Exp. #142 is a transparent amber glass similar to NS-141 Maple Syrup but with a hint of NS-154 Ghost. This color is a dark brown, almost black in raw form. Once worked, it yields a smooth and clean beer bottle brown. If used in a thick application, the opalescent ghost will be more visible.


Northstar #146 Titan V1 2nds Slugger 489grms

This Slugger is 33-35mm dia solid rod and weighs 489grm

Exp. #146 Titan V1 is the first of many experimental greens we are working on. This version is the lightest shade with the most opalescent strike. Very similar to TAG-010 Slyme, although with less air content and lighter green hue. It is a vibrant lime green that is flame stable with minimal air content and the ability to be encased and still hold its saturation well. This product does contain chromium, not recommended for deep encasement.


Northstar #108 Mirage CFL 2nds Slugger (414grm)

This Experiment #108 Mirage is an opalescent based glass with a multi-chromatic CFL reaction. It has a range of colour from greens, blues and purples depending on the light source used. It is buttery smooth and easy to use colour with the ability to be encased and still hold its saturation well.

Nortstar #108 Mirage CFL 2nds Sluggers (226grm)

This Experiment #108 Mirage is an opalescent based glass with a multi-chromatic CFL reaction. It has a range of colour from greens, blues and purples depending on the light source used. It is buttery smooth and easy to use colour with the ability to be encased and still hold its saturation well.

Northstar #108 Mirage CFL 2nds Sluggers (340grm)

This Experiment #108 Mirage is an opalescent based glass with a multi-chromatic CFL reaction. It has a range of colour from greens, blues and purples depending on the light source used. It is buttery smooth and easy to use colour with the ability to be encased and still hold its saturation well.

Selection Pack of Fine Northstar Frits

A pack of 5 Northstar fine fits all in labelled 10grm packs.


Northstar Unobtainium Full Rod

NS-104 Unobtainium is a very dense gun metal blue with lots of sparkle. It is well suited for stringer application and blown work. It is easily worked and can take a lot of heat. To keep the colour most vibrant, work in a neutral to slightly oxidizing flame. Try to avoid deep encasement, it may cause cracking. Please use NS-104 Unobtainium with care and test your application before making expensive pieces. Outside work seems to work just great with no problems. Try coating NS-104 Unobtainium with NS-86 Garnet or NS-88 Pomegranate to achieve a brilliant ruby sparkle. Any transparent colour coated over NS-104 Unobtainium looks great.

Northstar Silver Unobtainium Odd

NS-120 Silver Unobtainium is also a dark blue sparkle that has silver in it. It is well suited for stringer application and blown work. It is easily worked and can take a lot of heat. To keep the colour most vibrant, work in a neutral to slightly oxidizing flame. Try to avoid deep encasement that may cause cracking. When worked in an oxidizing flame NS-120 Silver Unobtainium stays a dark blue colour with wispy hues of silver over it. If reduced the colour does not show much sparkle but still has many vivid colours.

Northstar Boro Ursa Full Rod

Ursa First

NS-140 Ursa is a response to our artists who have been asking for an opaque brown. We have experimented with the alternatives to the industry standard cadmium based brown.We have formulated Ursa with a good working viscosity , as well as dense colour saturation to help the artists explore this earth tone. As with many opaque colours this glass can suffer from boiling issues if pushed too fast or hot.