Frank Miguletz Class, 10th & 11th August 2024

Venue - Tuffnell Glass Studios, Rudston , East Yorkshire, YO25 4UD

Date - Saturday & Sunday 10th & 11th August 2024

Time - 10am -5pm

Class level - Intermediate

Tea & coffee are provided free of charge throughout the day, there will be a 30 minute lunch break.

Please bring your own eye protection, all glass , tools , mandrels and torches are provided. If you need a creation station or any other special tools please let us know before the class so we can arrange these items for you .


Frank Miguletz is a native of the Northern Bavarian Fichtelgebirge mountains. It is here where he spent his childhood and early adulthood absorbing the natural beauties of his hometown Wunsiedel and its surroundings laying a good foundation of knowledge about nature.

His artistic talent soon became apparent at his art classes at school

After receiving his degree as an engineer in landscape architecture, he took up a job at Lufthansa IT Competence Center acquiring an additional qualification as a trainer.

He has been a lamp worker since 2007 and has since developed his particular designs and shapes. He attends exhibitions and European shows and received a ISGB scholarship for the Gathering 2017 in Las Vegas. Many bead makers have already had the opportunity to attend his classes.

Frank now lives in the countryside in Bavaria where he and his husband have made their home in a small market place. Decorating and furnishing their home is one of Frank’s passtimes while their garden and the diverse animal and plant life in it offer him recreation and inspiration.

Apart from lamp working, he is also a talented painter in all kinds of materials.


Frank Miguletz Class

Saturday and Sunday 10th & 11th August 2024

8 students per class -  2 spaces available.


Deposit for Frank Miguletz Class

Deposit payment for Frank Miguletz Class 10th - 11th August 2024